Most dog classes that are offered have a large number of dogs enrolled in them. The class venue is usually cramped, dogs are crowded, & may be feeling anxious. There is a lot of wait time as everyone has their turn.
I feel that small classes are much better for learning for you & your dog. I like to be able to give more individualized attention to each of you. My classes are held out in the real world where you walk your dog, go for coffee, take a stroll in the park, etc. As dogs are naturally playful, the games way of training is fun for the both of you too.
The class training is planned to help everyone learn at their own level. Just like for us humans, one size does not fit all. So instruction is tailored to meet the learning needs of owner & their dog as well. We offer education that is FUN.
My dogs & I are doing a new dog sport. It's Hoopers. Hoopers is a fun new dog sport in Canada that originated in Europe. It's a low-impact activity that is easier on a dog's body. This makes it suitable for young dogs all the way up to our active older dogs. Hoopers has smooth flowing courses with no jumping. The course consists of hoops, tunnels, gates & barrels. We hope to share more about Hoopers with you soon.
What did you & you dog enjoy most about the class?
- The patience of the class trainer.
- I like the learning behind why we are doing things.
- It put the fun back in Foundation skills.
-Learning new skills.
- My dog enjoyed all of it.
- Getting out & learning new training ideas.
One to One Initial Consultation fee will be waived when in home sessions are booked at once. Exceptional savings!
Check out the Private In Home Services & One on One Dog sessions.
By making a booking or purchase you are deemed to have read, understand, & accept the terms & conditions. Completion of a booking or processing of a purchase forms your contract with Absolutely Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart.
Classes, Training & Consultations
- Results will depend on the owner(s')/participant's time & effort put aside to practice with their dog, to follow prepared materials & instructions. Each dog along with their owner is unique, & will progress at their own individual rate.
- Absolutely Fun Dog Training takes great care in planning classes for your dog. However we can not make any guarantees or be held responsible to the progress your dog makes or to 100% solving the dog's struggle &/or issues.
-Please keep your dogs on leash at all times. (unless instructed by your trainer to be off leash usually during Agility class training).
- You are responsible for the behaviour & actions of your dog while attending training, sessions, outings, or events. You are required to clean up after your dog.
- Dogs must be people friendly & dog friendly. No dogs that have aggression, biting or growling issues.
- Please respect the personal space of other dogs & owners. Make sure you stand at an appropriate distance.
- You must follow instructions, including safety instructions, & do not use equipment until directed by your trainer. You are not to use equipment when your trainer is not present.
-Equipment is designed for dog use only & Absolutely Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart, take no responsibility for loss or damages that may occur when equipment is in use.
- Pick up after your dog(s) & do not allow dogs to pee in the training area or on the equipment. Accidents do happen, so let your trainer know so that the area can be sprayed or washed down.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your dog is healthy & fit to participate in training, your dog must be up to date on vaccinations & not have any infectious diseases that can be passed on to any other dogs. Please consult a veterinarian if you are unsure about the health of your dog.
- No dogs in heat are allowed to attend any training, sessions, or classes.
- No retractable leads, choke, prong or ecollars allowed.
- No harsh handling or abuse will be accepted. Your trainer has the right to ask anyone to leave the area & stop the session, if they are verbally or physically abusive to any person or dog. No refunds will be given.
- Any accidents or issues involving a person or dog must be reported to the trainer.
- Cars are parked at the owner's risk. Absolutely Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart, do not accept any responsibility for damage, or theft to cars or property while at training, sessions, classes, or events.
- Family members are welcome to observe but not participate or interfere during classes. Only one designated handler permitted per dog. Children under the age of 16 years are not permitted.
Bookings, Payments & Cancellations:
-Payment of fees should be made at the time of making a booking.
-Receipt of payment holds your place. A confirmation of payment & enrollment will be emailed.
- Refunds will only be given if Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart, cancels your booking. No refund will be issued if you cancel or do not attend your booking.
- If you can not attend a session let your trainer know in advance. So you do not fall behind in class, a summary outline of what was covered & any handouts or homework will be made available to you. This only applies to missing one session during a group class.
- If a participant fails to attend the course the full course fees are still payable.
- A substitute delegate may stand in at any time before the class, session, course, or event at no additional cost.
- Dates, days, times, location, & prices of classes/lessons/sessions/courses are subject to change as necessary.
Course content, information & materials:
-Absolutely Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart, reserves the right to change content, time, venue or date(s). This will be avoided as much as possible, but sometimes it is unavoidable. Absolutely Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart will not be liable for any losses or expenses arising from amendments to the courses or cancellations.
- Absolutely Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damage from the use of information in classes, sessions, events, courses, workshops, seminars or information found on this website.
Information Protection:
- The data/information collected on your booking & dog background forms will only be used as a record of you & your dog, to contact you in relation to dog training activities, & will not be passed onto any third parties. All purchases are done through PayPal. Your credit card(s), debit card ,etc. & purchase information is protected through PayPal. The Absolutely Fun Dog Training website has a SSL certificate. This means that it is a secure connection with secure browsing & all your information/data (user name, passwords, credit card information, etc.) is protected.
Photo Release:
- You give Absolutely Fun Dog & Vi Sucart permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format the likeness or image of you &/or your dog. You release all claims against Absolutely Fun Dog Training & Vi Sucart, with respect to privacy rights, publicity rights, copyright ownership & publication, including claim for compensation related to use of the materials. If you do not want any photos etc. to be taken of you &/or your dog submit in writing your wish not to be photographed.
COVID-19 Situation:
We will follow whatever the current Public Health Regulations mandate. The following is a guideline.
In accordance with the Public Health Regulations, these procedures have been put into place for everyone's safety to help prevent the spread of disease. Social distancing will be followed at all times.
Note:- Things can change & if required activities will be cancelled.
If you are not feeling well or exhibiting COVID-19 or similar symptoms, DO NOT come to your scheduled session. Please phone ahead to let the instructor know that you are ill & not attending the class. We will plan to make other arrangements then.
When coming to class follow these rules.
1. Wait for your instructor. Do not enter the training area until invited.
2. Wash/sanitize hands. You can also bring your own hand sanitizer & face mask to use, if you wish.
3. Place your & your dog's belongings in designated area.
4. Bring your own lawn chair to sit or place things on if you wish..
5. Bring your dog's water, bowl, treats, leash, toy, crate. & mat/rug.
6. Do not unnecessarily touch equipment. Your instructor will move equipment as needed for you.
7. High touch areas will be sanitized.
8. You will be asked to sign a waiver & a short client health checklist questionnaire before your session.
Thank you for your understanding & co-operation. Everyone's health & safety is important.
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